DALLAS, TX (July 2021) — This year, Polaris continues to partner with the YMCA- Safety Around Water program to make sure that our younger residents will have the skills and knowledge on how to behave in the pool and learn how to swim. The goal is to help our youngest residents develop core aquatic skills and be safe in the water without adult assistance.

At our Pacifica community for example, there is a large demand for swim lessons. The kids have an amazing time to play and learn how to be safe in the water. The program puts the kids into three groups where they can learn the skill according to their level. Those who are beginners first learn about what to do if you fall into the water, while those in more advanced groups learn the swimming strokes. Many parents are thankful for the opportunity since they do not have to drive far for swim lessons. The lessons are all subsidized by the apartment complex. 

Polaris Real Estate Partners specializes in multifamily investment in the mid-western and central United States. Its principals hold decades of direct real estate investment experience and have acquired 6,250 units to build PREP’s current portfolio. Polaris is also deeply committed to enriching the lives of its residents through its community improvement efforts. Polaris Real Estate Partners is currently seeking individual properties or portfolios between 200 to 1,000 units in size in the mid-western, mid-eastern and central U.S.

Travis Pacoe or Ron Abta
Polaris Real Estate Partners
415-826-5202 main